HSC Grading System is very important to know all the class xii (HSC) students. If you know about the grading system of the HSC exam, any student can take his study progress one step further.
Most students are not aware of the grading system of the Higher Secondary School Certificate HSC examination. Again there are many students who have a lot of confusion about this system.
We will discuss in detail the latest updated grading system of the HSC exam in this post. After reading this post completely, you will have a clear idea about the HSC academic grading system in Bangladesh.
What is Grading System?
A grading system is a method by which educational institutions assess the performance of their students by giving them a standard.
The grading system acts like a framework where criteria are specified. A student’s performance is in which standard is stated in the grading system.

Grading systems vary at different educational levels. The grading system of the Higher Secondary School Certificate HSC examination is similar. Again the grading system at the university level is different.
Grading systems usually provide grading scales, along with grade points. The student’s performance in the exam is determined by the grading system.
HSC Grading System in Bangladesh
At this stage, we will know in detail about the HSC grading system under the academic grading system of Bangladesh. According to this grading system, the GPA result of the Higher Secondary School Certificate Exam is calculated.

The grading system is changed from time to time by the Ministry of Education. We are trying to give you an idea about the latest HSC Grating System at this stage.
Exam Marks | Letter Grade | Grade Point |
80% – 100% | A+ | 5.00 |
70% -79% | A | 4.00 |
60% – 69% | A- | 3.50 |
50% – 59% | B | 3.00 |
40% – 49% | C | 2.00 |
33% – 39% | D | 1.00 |
0% – 32% | F | 0.00 |
According to the Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSC) grading system (A+ Grade) is granted only when a student secures 80 to 100 marks in an exam. This grade point will be GPA 5.00.
After that when a student gets 70 to 79 marks, it will consider (A Grade) and its grade point is 4.00. Similarly, if you get 60 to 69 marks in HSC exam (A- Grade) and have a GPA 3.50 according to grade points.
Then if a student gets 50 to 59 marks then his letter grade will be (B Grade) and will be GPA 3.00. If a student gets 40 to 49 marks then the letter grade will be (C Grade) and will be GPA 2.00. If a student who scores 33 to 39 is given (D Grade) and its grade point is GPA 1.00.
Finally, if a student gets marks from 0 to 32, then will be (F Grade) and will GPA 0.00. If a student gets this grade or this point then it will be considered a failure for that subject.
Through this, the grade point average results of the Higher Secondary School Certificate Examination are produced.
Grading Scale
According to the HSC grading system, letter grades are assigned to students based on their performance. One type of letter grade is for good performance and another type of letter grade for less performance/score. Below are the letter grades in the HSC grading scale:
- HSC Latter Grade: A+, A, A-, B, C, D, F (Fail)
- HSC Grade Point: 5.00, 4..00, 3.5, 3.00, 2.00, 1.00, 0.00 (Fail)
Again the grading system includes the grade point scale. Just as letter grades and Grade points are assigned based on performance. The GPA result of the HSC exam is calculated using these two grading scales.
How to Calculate HSC GPA Result?
At this stage, I will share with you how to calculate HSC GP results. I will explain to you with a real example so that you can understand very easily.
You will need your HSC result to calculate your HSC GPA. You will need to know how much you got or what grade you got in any subject.
I am giving an example below where the subject-wise grade/points of HSC result. Follow the example below to calculate your HSC exam result in GPA.
Subject Name | Grade | Point |
BANGLA | A+ | 5.00 |
ENGLISH | A+ | 5.00 |
MATHEMATICS | A | 4.00 |
SOCIAL SCIENCE | A+ | 5.00 |
PHYSICS | A+ | 5.00 |
CHEMISTRY | A | 4.00 |
BIOLOGY | A+ | 5.00 |
From the above example result sheet we have to add total points excluding 4th subjects. For those two 4th subjects, deducting 2 points must be done from the sum of all other points.
Sum of Grade Point: (5.00 + 5.00 + 4.00 + 5.00 + 4.00 + 5.00 + 4.00 + 5.00 + 3.50)
Total Grade Point= 40.50 – 2.00 (For Optional Subject) = 38.50
Total Grade Point Average: 38.50/8 = 4.81 (GPA)
In this way, you can easily get the GPA result of the HSC exam through calculation. Just follow the above rule put your points there and then calculate. Then you will get your HSC GPA result.
Without 4th Subject HSC GPA Calculation
To calculate your HSC exam result in Grade Point Average (GPA) and if it excludes 4th subjects then how to do it? Here we will share with you how you can calculate HSC GPA results without 4th subject point.
- At first, you have to assign point values to your grades:
- A+ = GPA 5.00
- A = GPA 4.00
- A- = GPA 3.50
- B = GPA 3.00
- C = GPA 2.00
- D = GPA 1.00
- F = GPA 0.00 (Fail)
- Secondly, add the points of your three best/main subjects.
- Finally, divide the total grade points by 3.
Without 4th Subject GPA Formula

Using the above formula you can easily calculate your HSC GPA excluding 4th subject. Hope you can easily calculate your GPA by excluding the 4th subject from now.
You may read: HSC Exam Routine 2023
HSC Exam Pass Marks
According to the syllabus of the HSC exam, the pass marks of all the subjects in which the exam is held with 100 marks are the same. Again the pass marks are different for all the subjects that have practical.
To pass any subject in the HSC examination, that student must score 33 marks out of 100 marks in that subject. And if that subject is practical then the exam mark is 75. The practical exam must be passed separately with a pass mark of 8.33.
Without Practical
Theoretical Exam: 75 Marks (Pass Mark: 23 Marks)
MCQ Exam: 25 Marks (Pass Mark: 10 Marks)
For all the subjects that do not have practical exam, On this subject, the theoretical exam mark is 75 marks with a pass mark of 23. The MCQ exam total mark is 25 with a pass mark of 10. In other words, you have to get 33 Marks to pass.
With Practical
Theoretical Exam: 50 Marks (Pass Mark: 16.67 Marks)
MCQ Exam: 25 Marks (Pass Mark: 8.33 Marks)
Practical: 25 Marks (Pass Mark: 8.33 Marks)
A theoretical exam of all subjects in which there is a practical examination is for 50 marks. In all those subjects MCQ exam is 25 marks and the practical exam is 25 marks.
In order to pass in this case, the students have to achieve 16.67 marks in the theoretical test. After that to pass the MCQ exam you have to get 8.33 marks out of 25. And similarly in the practical exam also 8.33 marks out of 25 marks you have to get to pass.
Special Note: According to the instructions of the latest HSC exam, if you want to pass in any subject, you have to pass the practical test of that subject separately.
HSC GPA Calculator (Grade + Point)
The grading system of the HSC examination by the Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education we already share with you in the above section. Students can easily calculate their average grade point (GPA) by knowing about this grading system.
But for those who don’t want to go through the trouble of this mathematical logic, and want to calculate the HSC GPA result directly using the calculator, there is HSC GPA Calculator.

HSC results you can calculate in GPA very easily by using this calculator. The calculation can be done by inputting subject-wise letter grades/grade points only. The calculator link is below.
This GPA calculator has various features that you can use to calculate HSC results very easily. No need to know any kind of mathematical logic to use this calculator.
You can generate your Grade Point Average (GPA) result by just inputting your HSC result into the calculator. Besides this calculator has subject option.
Finally, using it, you can choose the subject according to your group and calculate very easily. Hope this HSC GPA calculator will be very useful for the students in terms of result calculation.
HSC Grading System FAQ
At this stage, we will share with you some frequently asked questions and their answers about the HSC exam grading system. Note that, all these questions are sent to us by the students. Let’s take a look at those questions and answers.
SSC Exam Grading System Letter Grade and Grade Points: A+(5.0), A(4.0), A-(3.50), B (3.0), D(1.0). All these grades and grade points are determined according to the grading system based on the candidate’s performance.
Golden A+/GPA 5 in the HSC examination means a candidate has scored above 80% marks. But it is not necessary to get 80% marks in every subject. A score above 80 percent in all subjects is unofficially called a Golden A+ or GPA 5.
When a student achieves GPA 4.0-5.0 then it is called First Class in HSC exam. GPA of 3.0-3.99 is called Second Class Grade in the HSC exam. And GPA 1.0-2.0 in Third Class Grade in the HSC Exam.
In order to pass the HSC examination in any subject, the candidate has to score a minimum of 33 marks in that subject. But if there is a practical exam in that subject, then the practical exam has to pass separately. The practical exam’s total mark is 25 marks with a passing mark of 8.33.
As mentioned these were some important questions about the HSC exam grading system and their answers. If you want, you can ask us your questions, then we will try to answer your questions properly.
A student studying about HSC Grading System must have knowledge. We already shared in this post, what grades in the HSC exam how many numbers and how many GPA points. Those of you who are SSC candidates and know about HSC grading system will surely benefit a lot later. Thank you so much for reading this post and staying with us.
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