HSC Exam Routine 2023 has been published today 08 June 2023. According to the published HSC exam routine, Higher Secondary School Certificate exam 2023 will start on 17th August 2023.
The Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board Dhaka published the all-board HSC exam routine on 6 June 2023. We have shared the exam routine of the General Education Board, Madrasa Board, and Technical Education Board in this post.
This post has discussed in detail how to download HSC exam routine. Besides, many important issues have been highlighted about the Higher Secondary School Certificate exam of 2023. Let’s see in detail what is in this post.
HSC Examination 2023
Higher Secondary Education Board Dhaka 2023 HSC exam routine has been released on 8th June 2023. As per the published routine HSC exam 2023 is starting on 17th August 2023.

The latest updated information related to the HSC exam you will get is here. Let’s know some important dates and times for the HSC exam 2023.
- Exam Name: Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSC) Exam 2023
- Routine Published: 08 June 2023
- Start Exam: 17 August 2023
- End of Exam: 25 September 2023
- Practical Exam: 26 September to 4 October 2023
- Total Examinee: 13,59,342
- Exam Starting Time: 10 AM to 1 PM and 2 PM to 5 PM
Above this was some important information related to Higher Secondary School Certificate Examination 2023. Students are requested to note down this information.
Because later this information will be useful to you. Later we will discuss more details about the Higher Secondary School Certificate Examination routine and examination. So let’s take a look at what’s next.
HSC Exam Routine 2023
At this stage, we will share with you the Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSC) Exam Routine 2023. Note that the routine was published on 8 June 2023. Let’s take a look at the exam routine first.

As you can already see above the exam routine already publish, a total of 9 education boards according to the publish routine. As per the published routine, the examination will start at 10 am to 1 pm and 2 pm to 5 pm every day.
The routine also says that every student should be present at the examination center 30 minutes before the exam. And the students must bring the admit card with them while entering the examination hall.
All theoretical exams of the HSC exam will finish on 25 September 2023. Besides, the HSC practical exam will start on 26th September 2023. And this practical exam will end on 4 October 2023.
Download HSC PDF Routine
All the students who are going to participate in the HSC exam in 2023 must download the routine and keep it to themselves. Or you have to download it in the account so that you can participate in the exam by looking at it during the exam.

So many students want to download the routine on their mobile phone or computer device. But the question is how students download HSC exam routine.
We have already shared the image of the exam schedule in our post above. However, if students want, they can easily download the published routine with one click.
Besides, below is the link to download the pdf routine of the exam. Students can download the routine as PDF or .jpeg format and keep it with them.
HSC 2023 Exam Schedule
You already know that the Schedule of HSC exam 2023 has been published. We are directly sharing the HSC exam routine with you in this part.
Date | Subject Name | Subject Code |
17/08/2023 Thursday | Bangla 1st paper | 101 |
20/08/2023 Sunday | Bangla 2nd paper | 102 |
22/08/2023 Tuesday | English 1st paper | 107 |
24/08/2023 Thursday | English 2nd paper | 108 |
27/08/2023 Sunday | Information and Communication Technology | 275 |
29/08/2023 Tuesday | Physics-1st Accounting-1st Logic-1st | 174 253 121 |
31/08/2023 Thursday | Physics-2nd p. Accounting-2nd Logic-2nd | 175 254 122 |
03/09/2023 Sunday | Geography-1st p. | 125 |
04/09/2023 Monday | Geography-2nd p. | 126 |
05/09/2023 Tuesday | Chemistry-1st paper Islamic History-1st Home Management-1st Production Management-1st | 176 267 304 286 |
07/09/2023 Thursday | Chemistry-2nd Islamic History-2nd Home Management-2nd Production Management-2nd | 177 268 305 287 |
10/09/2023 Sunday | Economic -1st Engineering Drawing-1st | 109 180 |
11/09/2023 Monday | Economy -2nd pa. Engineering Drawing-2nd | 110 222 |
12/09/2023 Tuesday | Municipal policy and good governance-1st Biology-1st Business Organization and Management-1st | 269 178 277 |
14/09/2023 Thursday | Municipal policy and good governance -2nd Biology-2nd Business Organization and Management-2nd | 270 179 278 |
17/09/2023 Sunday | Psychology-1st Agricultural-1st Soil Science-1st Arts and crafts-1st Drama-1st | 123 239 288 225 227 |
18/09/2023 Monday | Psychology-2nd Agricultural-2nd Soil Science-2nd Arts-2nd Drama-2nd | 124 240 229 226 228 |
19/09/2023 Tuesday | Higher Math-1st Islam-1st | 265 249 |
21/09/2023 Thursday | Higher Math-2nd Islam-2nd | 266 250 |
24/09/2023 Sunday | Finance, Banking-1st Child development-1st | 292 298 |
25/09/2023 Monday | Finance, Banking-2nd Child development-2nd | 293 299 |
Hope you can note down your exam routine from the routine shared above. You can copy the HSC routine very easily.
HSC New Routine 2023 Bangladesh
Education Minister Dr. Dipu Moni announced the release of the HSC exam routine in early June. He said the HSC exam routine will be published in June itself but the exam will start in the middle of August.
The Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Dhaka HSC Exam Routine 2023 publish already on 8th June 2023. And the examination will be held accordingly.
However, a few days ago, many students and their parents demanded the postponement of the HSC and honors exams due to the increase in dengue disease. Apart from this, the candidates also demanded to postpone the exam and take the exam at number 50.
There have been several protests and road blockades by HSC Students. However, the Education Minister announc that the examination will start on time without delay. And accordingly, the exam started on 17th August 2023.

Tapan Kumar Saha, in coordination with the Inter Education Board, said that due to natural calamities, the examination of the Chittagong Board, Madrasa Board, and Technical Education Board has been delayed.
He also said that due to natural calamities, the HSC examination under these three education boards will start from 27 August 2023 instead of 17 August. However, the exams for the remaining boards will start on August 17.
Due to natural calamities, the new routine published by Chittagong Board is also shared at the bottom of this post. Chittagong board students must download the newly published routine.
Board Wise HSC Exam Routine BD 2023
In this part, we will see the board-wise routines of the Higher Secondary School Certificate Exam. And, In other words, the nine boards that are conducting the examination in 2023 will share their routine board-wise at this stage.
About 14 lakh students of nine boards are taking interest in the examination. The HSC exam schedule of all boards has already been published. Let’s see which board has published the routine for the exam.
Chittagong Board HSC New Routine 2023
First of all we will share the Chittagong board routine with you. As you already know that due to a natural calamity, Chittagong Education Board has changed the HSC exam routine and published the new routine.
On August 13, the Chittagong Education Board published a notice stating that the HSC examination on August 17 has been postponed due to natural calamities. And at the same time the test routine has been published.

So now we will see the new routine for the students that has been formulated for the Chittagong Education Board Exam. Let’s check the routine.

According to the newly published routine, the Chittagong Board HSC exam will be held from 25th August 2023 instead of 17th. And the Chittagong Board HSC practical exam will start on 8 October 2023 and end on 16 October 23.
Dhaka Board HSC Exam Routine 2023
Many students are participating in the HSC examination in 2023 under the Dhaka Education Board. HSC under Dhaka Education Board will start from 17th August 2023.
And Higher Secondary School Certificate Examination of Dhaka Education Board will continue till 25th September 2023.
Dhaka Education Board has not published any separate routine. The routine that has been published before is basically the HSC routine of the Dhaka Education Board.
Rajshahi Board HSC Routine 2023
The Higher Secondary School Certificate HSC exam is going to start simultaneously from 17th August 2023 across the country. In continuation, Rajshahi Education Board Higher Secondary School Certificate Examination is starting on 17th August.
No separate routine has been formulated for Rajshahi Education Board. The board was supposed to be tested according to the routine that is not together simultaneously. The same routine will be applicable for Rajshahi Education Board for HSC examination.
Jessore Board HSC Routine 2023
Jessore Education Board HSC Exam Routine 2023 has already been published. Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education published this routine on 8 June 2023.
HSC exam will be held in Jessore Education Board from 17th August 2023. Like all other boards, the HSC exam of Jessore board will be conducted as per the published routine
Sylhet Board HSC Routine 2023
Sylhet Education Board Secondary School Certificate HSC Exam is going to start from 17th August. All the students who will participate in the HSC examination will be conducted according to the routine published by the Dhaka Education Board.
HSC exam routine was not create separately for Sylhet Education Board. According to the routine by the Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education on 8th June 2023, the exam will start in Sylhet Board.
Comilla Board HSC Routine 2023
Comilla Education Board Secondary School Certificate HSC Exam is going to start on 17th August. All the students who will participate in the HSC examination have to participate according to the routine by the Dhaka Education Board.
HSC exam routine has not been formulated separately for Comilla Education Board. According to the routine by the Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education on 8th June 2023, the exam will start in Comilla Board.
Barisal Education Board HSC Routine 2023
Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Dhaka has released HSC exam routine for Barisal Board. According to the publish routine, the Barisal Board HSC exam in 2023 will start from 17th August 2023.
As per routine, the exam will start from 10 am to 1 pm first part. Also, some exams in other subjects will start at 2 pm and will continue till 5 pm.
Dinajpur Education Board HSC Routine 2023
Dinajpur Education Board HSC exam will be held on 17th August 2023 from 10 am as per the latest published routine.
Higher Secondary School Certificate Examination will start in Dinajpur Board as per the already publish routine by the Ministry of Education.
Mymensingh Board HSC Routine 2023
The examination will be held in the Mymensingh Education Board as per the routine that the Ministry of Education formulated for the HSC examination 2023.
Separately, Mymensingh Education Board has not provided HSC exam routine. A routine examination will be held simultaneously all over Bangladesh except Chittagong Board, Madrasa Board and Technical Education Board.
Because the HSC exam of all these boards was declared suspended due to natural calamities and later the new routine was published. The examination will start in all the education boards from 27th August 2023.
HSC Exam Date and Time
In this part, I will know some information about the higher secondary school certificate HSC exam of 2023. When is HSC exam starting and when will it end?
Besides, we will also know which education board’s HSC exam routine has changed. And when will those exams start?
Exam Name | HSC Exam 2023 |
Start Exam | 17 August 2023 |
Exam End (Theoretical) | 25 September 2023 |
Practical Exam Start | 26 September 2023 |
Practical Exam End | 04 October 2023 |
Total Board | 9 Boards |
Rotune Published | 08 June 2023 |
As you already know, HSC exams of the three boards have been postponed due to natural calamities. Now we will know when the HSC exam of those three boards is going to start.
Chittagong Board, Madrasa Board and Technical Education Board HSC examinations also suspended due to natural calamity. Chittagong Board HSC Exam will start on 27th August 2023 instead of 17th August.
Already the Chittagong board has published the modified HSC exam routine which we have shared above. If you want, you can download the new HSC exam routine of the Chittagong Board from there.
You may read: HSC Grading System 2023
Exam Rules and Regulations
The Ministry of Education has published many special instructions for the HSC examination held in 2023. That is, those who are going to give the HSC exam must follow these things and then participate in the exam.

Students must follow these instructions to participate in the HSC exam. Let’s see what are the instructions for HSC exam participation in the year 2023.
- Take a seat in the examination room 30 minutes before the exam.
- MCQ will be conducted first followed by a creative/compositional exam.
- The examination will be held as per the time mentioned in the question paper.
- All students must carry their admit cards.
- The roll registration number and subject code etc. must be filled in correctly in the examination book.
- Under no circumstances should the margins be written or folded.
- Candidates have to pass both theoretical and practical subjects.
- Exam will not be held in any student’s own college.
- Non-programmable scientific calculators will be used in the exam.
- No student can take a mobile phone in the examination hall.
- The test cannot be manipulated or duplicated.
- Must complete the exam within the stipulated time.
If you are a candidate for the HSC examination then you must participate in the examination by complying with all the above-mentioned subjects. If you do any of these instructions, you will come under punishment.
In that case, you may be suspended from the examination hall. So of course the students are requested to participate in the examination following the mentioned instructions.
HSC Exam Syllabus 2023
What is the arrangement in the HSC 2013 syllabus except ICT in all other subjects with 100 marks and time? In this regard, Education Minister Dipu Moni said that only the exam in ICT will be held at number 75.
Where the written will be 50 and the practical number will be 25. Moreover, HSC exam will be held in 2023 according to full syllabus for all subjects. You can click on the link to get suggestions for all subjects and departments of HSC exam in 2023.
You may check: HSC Exam Syllabus
Center List for HSC Exam
At this stage, we will discuss the Higher Secondary School Certificate Examination Center List. Here we will share with you the list of different centers of each board.
Students will find out their center list according to their board. So let’s know the list of HSC exam centers for 2023 without delay.
We will share the HSC exam seat plan board-wise one by one with you now. You can easily view your HSC exam seat plan by clicking on the board that belongs to the board itself.
Above mentioned these were the 2023 Higher Secondary School Certificate HSC Exam Center List. You can easily find your HSC exam center by clicking on the board you belong to.
If you have any questions about this or if you need help finding your center list, you can let us know through HSC Result 24 Facebook Page or directly contact us through the website.
2023 HSC Exam Result 2023
Many candidates want to know in advance about the result of HSC exam 2023. So for their information, HSC 2023 results will publish within 30 to 45 days after the end of the exam.
That is, according to which the exam is ending at the end of the month of October. And Chittagong board postponed the exam is ending in November. So the HSC exam result may publish in early or late December in this year.
Also, visit our website regularly to get regular updates about HSC exam results. We publish all updates related to HSC exam results on this website.
FAQ Section
At this stage, we will share with you some important questions about HSC exam 2023 and exam results. Hope you get the answer to your desired question from here.
HSC exam 2023 is starting from 17th August 2023 according to the routine published by the Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education.
The Higher Secondary School Certificate Examination is held under the Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education of Bangladesh. It is generally for class eleven and class twelve exam. And it is the HSC exam in Bangladesh.
In order to pass any one subject in HSC examination, a student has to pass mcq, theoretical and practical exams separately. If you get 33 out of 100 marks in the exam, you will consider passing this subject.
According to the newly published routine, the Chittagong Education Board HSC exam is going to start from 27th August 2023.
To download the HSC exam routine of 2023, you have to click on the (Download Routine) button. HSC exam routine download link is shared on this website above.
Apart from this, if you have any questions about HSC 2023 exam or exam results or any other matter then you can contact us. We will try to answer your question appropriately
Finally, HSC Exam Routine 2023 has already been published by the Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Bangladesh.
The exam will start on 17th August 2023 from 10 AM onwards. So all of you students study well and follow the instructions and participate in the exam. Thank you so much for this post.
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